Important note: We've transitioned 0x9925E2cFD273C0026A97c254692E38e37188cBcc (case-sensitive) as the official trusted address f

06 Feb 2023, 17:30
Important note: We've transitioned 0x9925E2cFD273C0026A97c254692E38e37188cBcc (case-sensitive) as the official trusted address for delegating your $BEPRO. This was the one originally announced to use on the Bepro Network platform's V1 Thank you! 💭 Thinking about contributing to the network but don't have the technical know-how? Don't worry! You can still make a difference by delegating your $BEPRO to a developer that can contribute with their knowledge. Here's a quick guide on how to do it in just 2 simple steps 👇🧵