Meet Web3 Xplorer: The community-powered events aggregator.

18 Aug 2023, 11:27
Meet Web3 Xplorer: The community-powered events aggregator 🔍 The Web3 ecosystem grows by the day and it’s hard to keep track of all the events happening worldwide, right? That's where Web3 Xplorer comes in👇 Web3 Xplorer is an events aggregator designed to help you stay informed about all the events happening! Whether you’re a developer or a curious enthusiast, just scroll through the database to discover the next great event near you 🌟 Are you an event organizer?! If you’re hosting an event for your community, drop by the Web3 Xplorer and add it to the list so everyone can learn more about it. Let’s build the best Web3 community-built events aggregator together!